Statement from Governor Brewer Regarding University Tuition Proposals


Date: Feb. 24, 2012

"The Arizona universities have released their tuition recommendations for academic year 2012-2013. I
would like to applaud Arizona State University for its decision to propose no tuition increase for resident
undergraduate students, whether continuing or incoming. I would also like to commend the University of
Arizona and Northern Arizona University, each of which has proposed to not increase the tuition of continuing students.

"I have been a long-time champion for higher education and the integral role it plays in laying the
foundation for an equipped workforce and thriving economy. After several difficult years of state budget cuts
and university tuition increases, I'm glad to see that these institutions are trying to hold the line on tuition this year. Now, I hope the Legislature will join me in approving a state budget that properly funds and incentivizes innovation and performance by our critical public universities."
